White Room uPVC Window

In the past, there was a slight misconception that uPVC windows were flimsy, cheap and generally inferior to other window materials available. While this was partially true as the material was somewhat new to the window industry, nowadays, uPVC proves itself to offer excellent durability and thermal efficiency qualities. It has quickly become one of the most popular, sought-after alternatives, and we can most definitely see why! If you are still in doubt about the performance of this material, then we have composed a list of the top uPVC windows benefits, along with why you should reconsider installing them in your home.

uPVC Window Benefits & Everything You Need To Know

When it comes to renovating your home, the first thought you will have is how much will it cost, followed by how will it improve your home. The best place to start is to think about the benefits of the renovation, whether it’s double glazing, window replacement, door replacement or even a home extension. The reason for this is that it can give you an idea of what the best renovation is, and replacing your windows with a uPVC alternative will certainly offer you one of the most beneficial investments. There are a number of other reasons as to why uPVC windows are beneficial, and here are just a few examples:

What Is uPVC Windows?

The first step to understanding the benefits and why you should invest in this material is to identify what is uPVC windows? uPVC, or PVCu, stands for Unplasticised Polyvinyl Chloride and is a form of strong plastic. It possesses non-flexible, sturdy and durable qualities and can be alternatively known as ‘Rigid PVC’. The long-lasting and reliable characteristics that uPVC offers are just some of the many reasons why the material has become one of the most sought-after window styles for homeowners and even commercial properties.

As uPVC is a manufactured material, it can be shaped into various lengths, sizes and styles, allowing you to choose from multiple frame types and much more. As you can imagine, this material is exceptionally popular for its abundance of benefits. So, take a look below for some of the most popular benefits.

Window in Living Room

Benefits of uPVC Windows

From saving you money to allowing you to customise your design, there are so many reasons why you should invest in uPVC. Here are some of the biggest benefits of uPVC windows:

dog at window

Rot Resistant

Unlike wooden window frames, uPVC will not rot, warp and is resistant to corrosion; this means they have a much longer life span and are guaranteed to last at least 20 years. uPVC is also resistant to salt erosion, making them the ideal solution for coastal properties. Even in the harshest of weather conditions, your uPVC window frames are certified to reduce damage by maintaining their appearance despite the weather conditions.

The durability and long-life of the uPVC windows will also depend on a few other factors. For example, while the maintenance may be low on uPVC windows, it is still important to make sure that you wash the window frames every now and then with some warm soapy water. By doing this, you can further reduce the risk of damage by removing dirt and debris that has formed over the wet and cold months. Good Housekeeping has a handy guide to helping you thoroughly clean your windows.

Another aspect that will determine how long your windows last will be down to the installation. How well and secure your windows are installed will help not only to keep the draught out, but also provide your windows with the ideal setting for a long life. For this reason, it is imperative to ensure that you find installers that have years of experience in providing high-quality service. Click Glazing is more than happy to speak to you about our double glazing and range of window styles using uPVC frames, so please do not hesitate to contact the team for more information about our windows in Buckingham and the surrounding areas.

upvc window white

Low Maintenance

As mentioned previously, uPVC is created using a combination of advanced components, and unlike other window frame materials, uPVC requires little to no maintenance. The frames are extremely unlikely to warp or rot, and there is no need to paint the frame, meaning that you won’t have to experience flaking windows. Unlike alternative materials, uPVC is easy to maintain, making it one of the most popular choices for conservatories or windows that are hard to reach, such as skylights. The only maintenance that will need to be carried out regularly is cleaning the windows.

Due to the material’s ability to maintain its appearance, it means that the colour vibrancy and aesthetics of the window remains immaculate for years to come. Not only does this make housework more straightforward, but it also means that you will be spending less money in the long run on repairs and paint for the windows. The low maintenance also minimises damage, allowing you to reap the benefits of your stunning windows years after their installation.

cleaning inside window

Reduced Cost

Cost is a significant factor in many homeowners decisions, and it can be devastating having to go for a cheaper, poor quality option to fit in with your budget. While windows are a big investment, and we would always advise clients to think about the future when it comes to replacing windows, as it can be more economical for you to purchase slightly more expensive windows as it can save you more money in the long run. Having said this, uPVC is one of the most affordable options, yet in no way lacks quality or style.

Costs may depend on the level of quality, additional features, and installation, but overall, you can expect a much more affordable price for your window frames. Not only is the initial cost of manufacturing cheaper, therefore making the material cheaper to install, but throughout their entire life-cycle, they can be saving you money. uPVC windows can prove incredibly beneficial in the years to come, such as improving the value of your property if you ever opt to sell up. Not only this, but the original cost of these frames is later compensated by the reduction in your heating bills.

inside white window

Thermal Efficiency

With energy bills skyrocketing each year, it is now more important than ever to determine ways in which you can lower the carbon footprint of your home. With this in mind, a hugely beneficial feature of uPVC is that the material offers excellent thermal insulation properties, particularly when combined with either double or triple glazing. Due to the non-conductive nature of this material, heat will not transfer through the frames ensuring a more constant internal temperature as it locks your heating in. uPVC frames will also eliminate the presence of draughts in your home and help your property to retain its heat. This will, therefore, reduce your costs when it comes to air conditioning and heating your home will be significantly easier and cheaper.

To further enhance this thermal efficiency, we would always advise clients to invest in double glazing, which features two panes of glass. The inner pane aims to reduce the amount of heat lost from the inside, while the outer pane stops cold or hot air from the outdoors from getting into your home. This also prevents condensation, as the warm air from the inside is no longer hitting a cold window, which would usually form water droplets that can cause further damage to the window frame. A combination of uPVC window frames and double glazing will save your household a significant sum of money on energy bills, and the higher the rating of the window, the more money you will save each year. For more ways to reduce condensation on your property, and therefore protect your windows, take a quick look at Envirovent’s article!

girl and dog at window

Acoustic Insulation

Not only is the combination of double-glazed glass and uPVC window frames able to reduce energy bills, but it can also reduce noise pollution. The material’s multi-chambered design means it can effectively filter out unwanted noise from both outside and inside the home, making it feel more private. This style, therefore, makes for the ideal window frame for properties in cities, highly built-up areas or close to main roads and railways.

While the majority of homeowners opt for enhancing their acoustic insulation to maintain a tranquil property, others install features to stop their internal noise from disturbing neighbours. For example, many musicians or individuals who run their business from their property tend to fit uPVC and double-glazed windows to ensure that they can continue their daily routine without causing disruption. If you’re hoping for more information and an in-depth guide on how to soundproof your home, we suggest taking a look at Family Handyman.

square windows

High Security

Whether you are looking for a new and safe home, or wish to make your property feel more secure, the materials used for the door and windows can have a significant impact on how the home feels in terms of security. Luckily, new uPVC windows incorporate multi-locking systems that provide a high level of security for your home and make breaking-in extremely difficult. Although it is a universally recognised fact that aluminium windows offer the highest level of protection, uPVC window frames aren’t far behind. The combination of materials used to create uPVC forms an incredibly robust formula, which often features a sturdy steel core.

To further increase the security of your home, uPVC frames can be fitted with shoot bolts, security hinges, lockable ventilation and internal glazing beads. Additionally, uPVC frames are the more affordable alternative to aluminium windows but still ensure your home is of the highest safety standards. As they will not begin to deteriorate or weaken with age, you can be reassured that the standard will remain high for years to come. If you want a few more ideas and ways in which you can make your home feel safer, then CNET has a range of burglar-proof window ideas.

men fitting windows


With the constant fear of global warming and many homeowners looking for different ways to make their property more ‘green’, your choice in windows can surprisingly lend you a helping hand. Not only are uPVC windows eco-friendly in terms of their ability to reduce your energy bills, but the material itself, after use, is also sustainable. Due to the unique structure of uPVC, it is fully capable of being recycled once it reaches the end of its life. The PVC content is produced into granules through a shredding and treating process, allowing it to be recycled up to seven times.

The fact uPVC is 100% recyclable makes this type of window frame material a lot more desirable to domestic and commercial property owners nowadays. This quality of uPVC helps to save energy, reduce pollution levels and is more wholesome for our environment. If you’re unsure on how to dispose of old uPVC or any other household item, we suggest taking a look at Recycle Now for some advice. The handy website enables users to search an A-Z list of every possible item; once the item in question has been located, you can click on a link that will tell you precisely what your object is made from, how to recycle it and where to find the nearest recycling centre.

window an fields

Variety of Styles & Colours

Many of the window frames now available are limited in colour, meaning that you either have to stick with something plain, or you will need to get the paint and brush out every now and then to give the windows a new lease of life. However, uPVC frames, on the other hand, come in a variety of colours for you to choose from, making it easier to either match your existing windows or choose a new and exciting colour. This is perfect when you want a different colour frame on the inside to the outside, such as having grey windows on the exterior of the property and white windows on the interior. Usually, older properties suit lighter window colours, while new builds look best with darker colours, but this may not be the case for your property. If you need a little helping hand in choosing the perfect colour for your windows, then our team are more than happy to help.

Not only can an array of colours be incorporated into your window design, but there is also a range of styles for you to choose from. All styles can be tailored to ensure that the results perfectly complement your property and fit seamlessly with the architecture and your personal preference. The demand for anthracite grey window frames, for example, has become increasingly popular in recent years and suits a contemporary property beautifully. The different types of window styles that can incorporate uPVC include:

  • Lean-To
  • Sliding Slash – Vertical and Horizontal
  • Tilt & Turn
  • Double-Hung
  • Casement
  • Skylights
  • Arched or Bow

The aesthetic possibilities when choosing uPVC windows really are limitless; they are ideal for bringing your bespoke vision to life. For further inspiration and more information about the different types of windows, we would highly recommend taking a look at Homebuilding & Renovating’s handy blog post!

arch style windows

How Long Do uPVC Windows Last?

If you are wondering how long do uPVC windows last, then you will be pleased to know that not only do they come with a 10-year warranty, but you can also enjoy all of the benefits mentioned above for around 20 years! If you are unsure whether your existing windows need replacing, then there are a few signs that they need replacing. These signs include the following:

  • Windows are visibly worn
  • Higher energy bills
  • Hard to open or close windows
  • You can feel a breeze
  • Windows are leaking
  • Condensation on windows
large window pane

How To Clean Inside uPVC Window Frames

In order to ensure that you can enjoy your new windows for the full 20 years, it is important that you know how to clean inside uPVC window frames as well as the outside. It is surprisingly easy for you to clean uPVC windows, but you will need to keep in mind that cleaning each section of the window will require different products and techniques. Here is a simple guide on how to clean your uPVC windows:

  • Start by cleaning your window frames and use a microfiber cloth to dust the frames.
  • Then, use a sponge and warm soapy water to clean the debris and grime from the frames.
  • Before drying the window, clean the glass panes with either soapy water and a squeegee or window spray and a squeegee.
  • Once cleaned, use a dry microfiber cloth to dry the window frames (not the glass as this will smear. Only dry this with a squeegee).
Cleaning Window Frame

Enjoy Durable, Reliable & Stylish Windows!

With the abundance of benefits that come alongside uPVC windows, it means that you do not have to compromise on style to provide your home with energy-efficient and durable windows. There are many ways in which you can style the windows to your personal preference as well as your family needs, and with the array of designs, colours and styles of uPVC windows now available, it has never been easier to find your perfect match. If you are interested in replacing your windows, or would like to know more about the range of options available, then please feel free to contact the team about our collection of windows with double glazing in Milton Keynes or our stunning bespoke conservatories in Aylesbury.

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